Last night after gaining some much needed energy and spirit from family we headed off towards Boston, so we could be in the right place for remaining couple of days of the trip. After about two and a half hours of driving, and with another thirty minutes to go, we had a look into what accommodation was available and saw that unsurprisingly it was hideously expensive. We had planned to find somewhere for two nights so we could do an activity today and then pack and get to the airport tomorrow.

Realising that the nearest sensible accommodation, in both price and distance from the airport was in a small town called Salem, in New Hampshire we continued the drive! It seems New Hampshire has rather unintentionally had a lot of attention from us! We didn’t arrive till gone 10pm and decided to leave the bags in the car for the night, preferring to bring them in in the daylight.

So this morning we emptied the entire truck, into out motel room. We’d had the foresight to request a ground floor room for ease in this task. The room now literally looked like a suitcase explosion, we had accumulated so much stuff! We decided at this point that it would probably be better to stay in and pack, and run some errands today and enjoy our last day freely in Boston without packing worries. We popped out to buy an additional suitcase, and drop some unwanted items in at a good will centre. After all the love and support we’ve had on the trip we thought it would be a fitting end to give something back, however small, since this has been our home for the past four months.

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