After a couple of days enjoying the scenery from the truck it was time to have some fun! Today’s activity was one of our more unusual picks, but perfectly understandable 😉

Tired from the driving we decided to take it easy and casually enjoy a tour of Vermonts most famous chocolate factory: Lake Champlain Chocolates at none other than Lake Champlain! We both found it to be a very interesting experience, learning not only about where chocolate comes from but how it’s made. Arriving at the small store we were headed towards the back where large windows show all the goings on inside of the factory. Today they were making Thanksgiving turkeys, apparently last year they ran out two weeks before, so they we’re making an early start! It was fun to see the little turkeys and part of me wished I could sneak off and consume more than a few of them without being noticed!


We spent an hour learning the in’s and out’s of the luxurious world of chocolate, of course any tour would not be complete without the obligatory tasting session. At this point I was glad this was a little more casual than something like wine tasting so I could scoff my samples down rather greedily. It was then time to browse the shop for treats to take on the road with us. We soon found out the problem with gluttony, as we began to feel slightly sick from all the chocolate, not great with a long drive still ahead of us and like troopers we carried on, even snacking on more chocolate slightly later that day…  Well we’ve started now might as well carry on 😛

As with the nature of travelling we had no idea this morning that we’d be crossing three states in one day. Leaving Vermont in the trucks rear view mirror we crossed into New Hampshire. We have two ideas of things to do here, however with the gloriously sunny 27c (80f) weather one of the activities was not going to be possible, it’s a tad disappointing, but we still have our other idea which will be equally fun itself.


Looking at our maps we realised that it was more efficient to carry on to the next state: Maine, and pop back into New Hampshire afterwards, so off we went on a other long drive. We ended up taking a really beautiful route through New Hampshire, with stunning lakes and tree lined roads, around every corner is a glimpse of far away mountains. These mountains seemed to reveal themselves as we reached Maine. We stopped two hours short of our initial end point and will decide in the morning where to from here. 


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