We started out in a town called Plainfield, today’s challenge was firstly to navigate our way to Stamford before making it back to Boston for the night. We’ve found Conneticut a very leafy green and beauty area to drive through, because of the narrow ‘country’ lanes it does remind us somewhat of home, and is a tad more challenging with the truck!

We didn’t so much had an activity planned for this state, instead opting to enjoy a day with family. Ben’s cousin Alex lives in Stamford, for this reason he obviously doesnt get to see much of him and I have not yet met him, making it a well overdue visit. We were in for an extra treat as his cousins parents were also here visiting. I have met Jean and David before as they now live back in the UK, but it has been a while since we’ve all been together. It’s always enjoyable spending time with the both of them, and comforting to see some familiar faces.

It was also our first taste of in depth conversation about the trip with anyone other than ourselves and of course by technicality, we’ve actually now driven and visited all fifty states. It was a lovely day discussing everything and catching up with loved ones. Alex pointed out that until now he didn’t know anyone from or who had been to some of the states, bringing home just how much of an achievement this is.


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