Day 121 – New York State 

We couldn’t stop talking about the fantastic day we had yesterday, and today brought us a beautiful drive through the rest of New York state, which as it turns out is huge! It’s quite a lot different from the New York you see on TV and identify with. It’s lush, its green it’s surrounded by tall never-ending trees. In some ways it doesn’t feel anything like the city, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was a separate state of its own, if it wasn’t for the horn honking I don’t think you’d know. Eventually we came to a stop in Saratoga Springs, a name we had heard before. It’s often amazing to end up staying, driving through or taking part in an activity in a random town or city that you’ve heard of. It always seems unreal and you have to smile to yourself, it’s even better when we meet a local and they mention said town/city and we are able to say “yes we’ve been there”. 


Day 122 – Vermont

Next on the list of states was Vermont, where the greenery carried on expanding all around us, with its bushy appearance you begin to understand why the general area is called New England. Again it was another day of driving so unfortunately there is not much to update. We initially hoped to make it in time for our activity but we just missed one of the walk in time slots, so decided to go in the morning instead. Time is counting down to our return, there is no extension for us after this deadline. It’s really important for us to complete all the fifty states that we’d set out to do and still enjoy every second we have left out here. 


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