We woke in our little cabin at Lake Murray, Oklahoma. It’s been peaceful here, the parks seem to get it just right. There are lots of families enjoying the outdoors but it doesn’t feel packed and it’s not loud, it’s perfect.

Lake Murray by Morning
Lake Murray by Morning

Today we have another enormous driving task ahead of us, Texas has shown us how the miles over the western side of the country are going to be huge undertakings. It’s not till we came to America that we’ve really ever programed something we thought was close by into a SatNav, only for it to inform us that the arrival time would be 4-6 hours away! We love going to a particular hotel in the UK, which is a 2 and a half hour drive away from us and we used to think that was hideously long! Not a patch on some of the distances we have experienced here and have yet to come. 


Back on the road again, after exiting Lake Murray we decided to swing by Oklahoma City before hopefully reaching Amarillo, Texas. After so much farm land and wide open spaces, expanses of lush green fields, it was weird to approach a city. The temperature has noticeably cooled down today, a far cry form the previous heat we experienced.

Leaving Oklahoma we popped into one of the Indian reserves, to visit their shops and help break up the drive. The gift shops are fabulous and there’s so many things on display, mainly handcrafted items which exhibit tremendous skill. There are lots of little animals carved in everything from wood and stone to precious stones such as jade. Around the place were exquisitely carved chairs and stools, many covered in real fur of various animals. Horns of animals hung around along with dream catchers, wind chimes and jewellery.

We headed to the restaurant to feast, we didn’t know at the time that the state symbol for Oklahoma is a Buffalo. So we were rather surprised to find Buffalo on the menu! Well, when in Oklahoma…  We ordered Buffalo fillet, and we’ll it was delicious! Ben wasn’t that keen, but in my opinion it was like a really really nice burger! One that had been grilled just right with a slight flame grilled taste! Yummy! (sorry Mr Buffalo).

Foss, Oklahoma

Onwards and onwards! It was a log old drive back to Texas in the end some 374 miles. Making it to Amarillo ultimately helped shave some time of the immense Journey that we need to make tomorrow, in order to reach our next destination. I massively wanted to go through Amarillo simply because it sounded fun!


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