Good morning UK! We have a plethora of adventures to update you with but let’s start with today, which has been rather interesting indeed! We’ve had a couple of days to get used to our extra hour, little did we know that we would soon say goodbye to it again! Today’s expedition led us through three states and two different timezones, quite an achievement! 

Starting in Alabama we travelled through Tennessee to a town called Chattanooga, our journey then led us into Georgia towards the mountains in order to visit a place called Rock City. We drove up the mountain not sure what we would find. I had only seen one picture of this place so we were unaware of what else existed here. There were lots of activities available to partake in at the top but we ultimately choose to enjoy just one special experience (typically the most strenuous option).


We visited a place called Rock City Gardens, which is a spectacular walking trail that took us through rocks, gardens and caves at the top of the 4,100ft Georgian mountain, known as lookout mountain. This unique place was created by the wife of the inventor of mini golf! We started our trundle through the rocky paths, it was quite a tranquil experience to slowly pace along paths cut into rocks and boulders, it really felt amazing to basically be walking through the mountain. 

Believe it or not that is a path through the rocks
Believe it or not this is one of the paths through the rocks called ‘Fat man’s squeeze’


Whilst I found the experience quite thought provoking we did of course have a laugh. We had to go across a pretty long suspension bridge and a swinging bridge, which Ben took great pleasure in being heavy footed to make it swing a bit, something I did not enjoy so much! The mountain got its revenge though as some of the paths are pretty skinny going through huge boulders they are also kind of low because they go very skinny at the top, needless to say Ben had a lot of bending down to do!


Making it to the top was totally worth it! You reach a waterfall of the side of a huge rock, the view is spectacular!


Not only that but we made it to the epic spot where you can see 7 States from one place


The trip back down is fantastic and we didn’t expect to find more explorable caves which featured lots of little cubby holes depicting scenes from various fairy tales


And of course, no blog entry would be complete without a pic of the drive back down the mountain!


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