After yesterday’s tranquil hike we headed to Tennessee to settle for the night. We ended up in a little town called Gatlinburg, the drive to this city was rather fun! We thought it was just going to be a quiet out of the way town but this place turned out to be built with novelty in mind.

As we approached we appeared to be back in neon land, there were several strange buildings one in particular was shaped like the titanic it was unbelievable to see! There are so many themed buildings and what seemed like Christmas land right in the middle of it.

We managed to get ourselves another great deal on accommodation. This time we found a nice little motel that backed onto a river, we had our own private balcony with seating perfect to enjoy rocky river. 


Upon our arrival here we had picked up a couple leaflets with interesting things to do, we’ve found it to be a great way to get to know a place in a hurry as we rarely have much time to research after we’ve checked in. Ben had picked up a great one that featured an activity I have always wanted to try so we set off and had a fantastic day!

The weather had been a bit iffy, raining on and off and this was an outdoor activity so we hoped it would cheer up. After a short drive we arrived at a nearby town called Pidgeon Forge and made our way to Big Rock Riding Stables and signed ourselves up.

I’m so happy we had the opportunity to do this and pleased to say I have finally been on an ATV (quad bike)! We both had great fun we were the only two people here and followed our instructor Nate around the muddy track. The track led us past horses and other animals who we just staying at the side not even fenced off.


Ben had already pre-warned me that you have to lean into the turns, and I had ‍‍no problems getting around up and over the hills and through a rocky river. At one point I managed to get to speeds of a whopping 35mph! Wohoo! We had a good hour riding around various terrain before heading back to the stables.

Our fee also included a drink and a couple of bags of feed for the various animals they had on site. I quite like feeding goats so I spent a lot of time with them!

What even is this bird?


After an excellent experience we popped to TGI Fridays for a spot of lunch and headed off through Knoxville and towards Nashville, to rest for the night.



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