Starting out today we carried on with our exploration of South Dakota. There has already been a fair amount to see so far in this state but we had a few more things lined up before heading out to North Dakota.

First on our list and literally a ten minute drive from last night’s accommodation was Mount Rushmore! Our drive took us under a lot of short tunnels built through the rock, it was a really nice drive. We got a lot of glimpses of the famous landmark as we rounded each curve of the road. It’s hard to believe all the work that must have gone into the creation of the carving.


Our next stop on the itinerary was to head on through Hill City, northwardly to a town called Deadwood. It is here that the final resting place of Wild Bill Hickok is located. Bill was a famous American gunfighter and law man, Ben particularly fancied having a look at the exbits about his life. As we approached the town we ended up having to wait in traffic for quite some time. They are re-doing the roads here and so all cars require an escort through the area by the construction team. As only one side of the road was open and unpaved it took us quite sometime to get through delaying us somewhat, but with the roadside views you can hardly complain.


With the delay impeding on our schedule a fair amount and the need to get the miles done we decided to carry on driving with the intention of reaching North Dakota this evening. We had a long drive ahead of us along roads edged by bright green grasses. It turned out to be another day that Ben had to watch the road closely, this time because of pheasants!   

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