This morning waking in Nebraska, we knew it was going to be a busy day. We had to check out earlier than usual which was a bit of a scramble to be on time. Our first stop was the near by laundry, we’ve only really got our winter clothes around at the moment. We keep one bag with clothes and toiletries on the go and the other stays in the car holding which ever seasons clothing we don’t need. This turned out to be a bit of a problem as the temperatures soared to 30c (86f), nether-the-less despite the constant beautiful scenery and interesting activities we still have to sort out the mundane. 

After fixing this and sorting out some food we decided against the hike we had planned for today. The long drives recently are taking their toll and we are both tired. That along with the weather today is not a good mix for us pale complextioned people, so we headed of on a short drive towards South Dakota, with 18 States to go and 13 days left we need to get a bit of a move on if we are to fly back on our original date.


Arriving at South Dakota the scenery did not change much from that of Nebraska, wide flat fields covered the land we headed for a little town called Hot Springs and took a road from here towards Wind Cave Park. Not only home to a cave but the park houses a variety of animals including Bison and Elk which we have seen plenty of in these recent states. In addition to these we see little Prairie dogs, which remind me of Meerkats the way they stand up and bob up and down. Alongside these animals we got a glimpse of the ever famous Cayote! They are really well camouflaged in this terrain, the tall grass makes them quite hard to spot. We stopped to eat the lunch we bought, surrounded by wildlife 🙂 


We then attempted to make our way along a scenic highway suggested by locals, called needle highway, it was a fairly windy drive to even get to the road, which, unfortunately turned out to be shut at the point that we wanted to join. So we headed off to check in for the night at a nearby town call Hill City.

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