Day 105 – Minnisota 

Surprise! Today we had yet another long journey driving from Valley City in North Dakota to a small town called St Cloud in Minnisota. However I must apologise because I had a terrible nights sleep and not long into the drive I fell asleep! This unfortunately means I don’t have any photo’s or anything particular to tell you! What I do know is that this part of the drive involved us passing through a town called Fargo, right on the border of the two states, which I was conscious for. In addition to this the amount of roadkill here now means Minnisota is the new record holder (previously held by Arkansas). Other than that it was lights out for me after being gently lulled into soothing sleep by Ben’s steady driving. 

Day 106 – Minnisota to Wisconsin 

This, we are hoping is going to be our last hideously long journey for a while (fingers crossed). The drive, a whopping 283 miles covered taking roughly four hours to drive, a long day once the various necessary breaks are introduced. The weather over the past few days has been overcast with patchy rain, which does little to help the immediate impression of Wisconsin. It’s a very leafy green area with not a lot in the way of mountainous scenery, meaning it’s highways look exceedingly similar to that of the UK, with a lot of trees either side! I would say that this state so far, above all the others reminds me of home! We are glad to be slowly returning to areas where WiFi is a little better! Its somewhat hard to believe that this middle part of the states has been so bad in that regard especially considering we had quite good internet in Alaska! Though, don’t be too down on Wisconsin, we have an excellent activity planned for tomorrow, so watch this space!

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