Day 5- Steak and Cheese!

Following last nights fabulous meal at Victors Café, we could not resist one more stop off. Our visit to Philadelphia would be incomplete without grabbing a few photos at another famous Rocky movie location: Pat King of Steaks. Pictures in hand and with another item ticked of the bucket list, we headed back to our comfortable room at the Bella Vista. It was rather wonderous on our chilly walk back, taking in the bustling night life with it’s neon lights and plethora of cheese steak restaurants.

The morning rolled around and we were up ready to take on todays quest. After a slightly manic city drive we arrived at our next location, the Philadelphia Museum of Art. On our way to take on ‘the Rocky steps’ we stopped for a cheeky snap with the Rocky Statue! As we came face to face with the steps, all 72 of them Ben announced that another of his life’s great ambitions was to run up the Rocky Steps just like dear old Stallone… Well who wouldn’t?  😉

I made a slow ascent to the top in order to capture video evidence of this momentous occasion, and boy was it good! Joining me at the top we sat for a little while to take in the view, before deciding to obtain the food of the city! Recommended by the friendly owner of Bella Vista, we made our way to Jim’s Steaks for a gut busting Philly Cheese Steak! We can confirm that while delicious, you may well need a lie down after!

It was now time to leave Philadelphia and the fun times we’ve had, it’s been a blast and we know that there are many more adventures yet to come. Back in the car and attempting to stay conscious through the pending food coma, we left Philadelphia driving onwards into Delaware. Regrettably, because of a hotel booking in the next city we will not be able to explore ‘the first state’ as we’d like, but we can say that it had some cracking country music playing on the local radio station. I meanwhile, had and unfortunate minor incident with our music player and it is currently not my friend.

Emerging out the other side of Delaware we arrived in Washington D.C. We were glad to arrive in time as tonight we planed to venture out in search of a local bar to watch the Super Bowl. After checking in we enthusiastically headed off, enjoying the game in an all American atmosphere. Along with a few drinks 😉 I ended up with a massive rack of St Louis ribs, that were to die for! All in all a great day, although we are both feeling rather full! We are ever glad to be crossing off another bunch of things on the to do list! 

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