Last night on our trek up a mighty hill to the bar where we watched the super bowl,  we were treated to an amazing sunset casting a beautiful wash of colour across the city, what a sight!

Washington Sunset
Washington Sunset

My impressions of Washington so far has been that is a beautiful city, the buildings are elegant and the streets are exceedingly clean. It’s was quite something! Each city that we’ve passed through you can’t quite imagine it getting any better and then it does!

Just simple things really make in impact, like during our drive in to the city from our hotel we went past the Arlington Military Cemetery.  A location you see frequently in movies but it’s not until you see it in real life,  does it leave such an impression. In addition to this there were large groups of geese just waddling around on the grassy banks by the side of the road! A little something that made me smile.  

Continuing round, driving into the city there’s still so much to see,  the expanse of space is incredible! Today we were headed somewhere fun for me! The Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum! My inner geek clapped excitedly as we walked up the steps, not 100% sure of what I was going to see (did not want to spoil it so did not research)

Space Museum!
Space Museum!

All I can say is it way surpassed any expectations I’d had. Incredibly entry is free! There are a large amount of exhibits to see, that ranged from explaining and documenting early flight, to Mars rovers and rockets, from early telescopes right up to detailed information about the planets and galaxies. It really was a fun day out, I have been coming down with a cold and not feeling too great these last couple of days, but had a good go at everything! Sampling early telescopes and acting as mission control on a simulated mission (which I did well in) NASA here I come 😉


We decided to have lunch at the museum, where we tried corn bread which both of us have found to be quite tasty unlike the meatloaf we tried previously! We were not quite finished with Washington yet and headed of on a local bus to visit the white house, the Washington memorial and Capitol Hill. People here are very friendly and helpful. With the evening drawing in it was now time to leave Washington, for the next state: Virginia. 

Back in the old friend of a car, our drive led us to a little town in Virginia called Strasburg, where we found a very quaint hotel to rest for the night. Judging by the decor they love their nic-nacks around here! See you in the morning! 

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