Day 1

After a lot of preparation and hard work today was the day we set off for our adventure through the states! It’s been extremely busy right up to the last minute, with the pair of us only managing 3 hours sleep before needing to be up at 6.30am for our flight. In the light of the day we both felt quite raw, but at the same time excited for the prospects of our adventure.

My nerves of the pending flight started to kick in the closer we got to boarding. It’s strange how the mind can imagine something that people do everyday, as some terrifying 8 hour event. I was feeling apprehensive, knowing that once underway there was no turning back and I desperately hoped it would be a smooth trouble free flight.

Flying over New York City!

The flight itself was indeed a smooth and trouble free affair and I found myself particularly intrigued by the maps, distance and temperature details provided by the onboard flight panel. Between that, the food, movies and a few glasses of vino 😉 it wasn’t too bad and I coped well. I was also very lucky to get the window seat, the benefit of having a tall partner who needs and aisle seat and found this really helped with the anxiety. Gliding over the stunning scenery of the ocean helped keep me calm, it was also quite something once we started to fly over New York.

In flight stats

Upon landing at JFK Airport, there commenced a hectic dash to get to our intended places on time. The tiredness from a poor nights sleep was starting to catch up with us. After lugging heavy suitcases and that super fast airport walk you seem to bust out, we were glad to make it to our hotel and settle in for the night, we certainly hope we adjust to the new time zone soon.

*UPDATE* Having landed safely and having time to reflect I can honest say it’s really a mix of excitement and disbelief that we are finally at this point, a kind of ‘I’ll believe it when we’ve done it, see you on the other side’ kind of feeling! 

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