During these couple of days we were intending to enjoy the sights of Iowa, however for this part of the Journey the weather decided to be a bit difficult! Forcing us to drive in near constant thunderstorms. Although nowhere near as bad as the storms we battled through back in Louisiana it was still to wet do to any of the activities we had planned, which were mainly outdoorsy, involving Buffalo and the Amish!

It was great to be heading back out into the wilderness after yesterday’s city visit, we noticed that the outskirts of Illinois has quite a lot of farm land, which was unexpected. Although we didn’t really get to do anything in Iowa we did see a fair amount on our drive. We entered from the east, driving right through to the middle of the state reaching the city of Des Monies, before heading south. It was too rainy to get many good pictures, but we are impressed with Iowa. The people are amazingly friendly, the state is extremely pretty with lots of green around And they have really made an effort with the roadsides and stops.


Making it through Iowa we headed south to a little town called Topeka in Kansas.

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