Having missed out on visiting much of Colorado previously, managing to just clip the corner on our way to Utah. We felt we owed it to Colorado to pop back in and see some more of the state. This also helps guide us towards the Kansas and Nebraska areas, next on our list.

We were extremely efficient getting up and out and reaching a place to grab some lunch for later in the day. Unfortunately for me my wrist is absolutely killing me after yesterday, despite the fact that I was exceedingly careful! Oh well!

We drove through numerous small towns where there really wasn’t much around, making a quick stop at a lube shop (haha bet that caught you out), to get an oil change. In the states you have an extensive range of these ‘lube’ shops to visit. Often and rather amusingly called something like ‘jiffy lube’, ‘express lube’ or ‘quick lube’ it was time for the truck to have its 40 minute oil change and windscreen washer top up, whilst we ate lunch, enjoying some Bison jerky. With the oil change done, lunch eaten and dinner onboard our efficient morning now cleared us for the long drive down towards Colorado. The temperature had been holding at around 12c (54f) but plummeted the further south we went. The roadside started to change dramatically and we finally got a glimpse of the famous Wyoming winter. It was an exciting feeling to see the distant snow capped mountains slowly making themselves known. This continued and there was still a fair amount of snow in the fields, moreso than we’d ever get in England these days.


We’ve been reflecting a lot, as you do on the journey so far about how every day is just another amazing adventure. We miss our families but are so glad we decided to do this trip. Enjoying the American culture and reminding ourselves how demanding our schedule is. Every day several difficult decisions need to be made, particularly when it comes to where your heading. It needs to make sense for the next state and it’s activities, so there has to be some inclination of what’s ahead. The additional worries of finding food and accommodation can also mount up. We are often tired and the never ending lugging of bags is often the last thing you want to do at then end of an exhausting and massive day of driving, particularly if we are unlucky enough to get a room on the second on third floor and theres no lift, but we wouldn’t change a thing!

It was very ambitious to expect to make it into Colorado today and after six hours of driving, we were exceedingly weary travellers and called it a day after roughly 383 miles ending in a small town called Laramie, we’ve given it a good go and almost made it! I think the gorgeous sunset approved of our efforts.


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