Yesterday we arrived at Kalispell in Montana, we had originally planned to head to Glacier National Park, in the north, half owned by the US and half owned by Canada. One of the suggested routes was for us to pop into Canada, which was the shortest drive there surprisingly, even though it would have probably take two days or hard driving to reach it. We had read that most of the park was closed and neither of us thought that the 4 miles that was open was worth a potential 9 hour drive, especially with no guarantee of seeing a glacier, of which only 20 remain from the 100 some that originally stood here.


With it apparent that we should head on with the rest of our travels we were a tad disappointed having driven so far up into Montana to shorten the drive to the Glaciers. However with such spectacular sights we couldn’t hold it against the snow! So we got back on the road to correct the path heading south towards southern Idaho and Wyoming.


The drive through Montana was once again spectacular! I just couldn’t believe how enormous this state is! Its so pretty and green and those never ending, sky reaching mountains just dazzle. The fields here are just teeming with life, we’ve seen more animals in Montana than in any other state so far! Ben’s been having much fun playing dodge the deer as they randomly run across the road in front of us, alongside the seemingly calm disposition of the Buffalo/Bison that we drive by. At one point Ben had to perform a semi emergency stop as a deer thought about going across thankfully it stayed on the side, however this brought me eye to eye with the animal, an incredible moment and one I didn’t manage to catch on camera!

It feels like we went through so much in this state as far as scenery and seeing new things goes, it was definitely an experience that has made an impression. The houses are sparse and the speed limits, in my opinion, are a little high for the curvy terrain. We are heading to a town called West Yellowstone to rest up for the night. Although technically still in Montana, it’s the perfect hub for our activities in both Idaho and Wyoming.


Nearing the end of our exceedingly long journey it seemed like this special landscape had one last secret for us. All of a sudden the sky turned a very dark grey ahead and the temperature dropped significantly by some 20 degrees. It was all a little worrysome as we entered a road that was seemingly taking us directly through the mountains and further away from civilization, something we were actually hoping to find at this stage of the drive. Looking ahead we noticed a spectacular rainbow, brightening the dark skies above, maybe a little sign that everything would work out.


Rounding the corner it was rather misty and the temperature dropped further we were right in between the mountains and there was a massive lake, which was still frozen over, you could see the tracks where people had driven over it! Reaching the other side of this area the temperature came back up its was as if we had temporarily been in another world.



All of a sudden we changed to bright yellow fields and blue skies, along with heards of Buffalo laying un-fenced by the side of the road. After a tremendous 380 miles, and some 6 and a half hours of driving, I think poor Ben deserves a good old pat on the back! 


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