Waking up in Coeur D’Alene today was a great, it’s nice to have made it to yet another state. The activities we have planned for Idaho are lower down in the state, so we are only here for a short stop over. 

Coeur D’Alene is a very pretty town and is surrounded by the lake it’s named after. We were lucky enough to get to drive alongside it for part of this journey. It’s nice to pop into a state like this and build excitement for the return, to get a little snapshot of what’s to come. We eventually arrived in a little town called Kalispell in Montana, some 300 miles from our starting point.

Although chilly, it was a spectacular drive with snowy mountain views, there were a number of spectacular lakes on this part of the drive and rather a lot of animals wandering free. Arriving in Montana really was out of this world, the mountains and hills rise so high you just feel so small! It certainly feels like a massive state.


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