By the time we arrived back in Tacoma, Washington it was late evening. The time difference between Alaska and this side of the US is currently only and hour, so it’s not half as bad as when we got back from Hawaii, which is a good thing as we have a pretty busy day ahead. We are feeling extremely pleased with ourselves, having visited the two hardest States on our list, it kind of feels like we are on the home straight now and must get on with ploughing through the rest to make it back on time. 

We headed out into the city of Seattle, this place reminds me a lot of San Francisco, with its hilly streets and tight corners. This also happens to be one of the few places in the US that actually has round-abouts, though I can’t help but feel the placement is a little off and that they have slightly missed the point of them. We took a short drive into Chinatown where the parking provided a new and slightly odd experience. Parking in the cities is usually expensive and can be difficult, especially with the truck, the first noticeable thing is that the car park is not manned, there is also no ticket machine and no cameras, you are just expected to post your payment into a little box, very trusting! 


Today’s adventures are in order to pay a visit to the Wing Luke Asian Museum. The museum currently houses a good exhibit about Bruce Lee, something Ben is really looking forward to seeing. We wasn’t really sure what to expect and from the outside the museum looked quite small. We were told that there would be a tour starting half an hour after we arrived, so we went on and watched a short video about the Bruce Lee exhibit.

Returning back to begin the tour we were slight surprised to discover the tour was about the life of Wing Luke, and the history of Asian culture in Seattle and not Bruce Lee. The tour turned out to be very informative and interesting, not something either of us would have volunteered to do but just goes to show what you can learn when open to other cultures and ways of life. After the impressive tour that led us through a preserved olden day hotel and food shop we headed to the Bruce Lee exhibit.

Beautiful original art form the Wing Luke Museum
Beautiful original art form the Wing Luke Museum

We were asked not to take any pictures inside of the exhibit, obviously we respect such requests, so all I can show you is the large cardboard cut out that stood at the entrance. The exhibit was extremely in depth, not only providing videos of interviews from Bruce himself but from his family and friends. There were lots of scripts from his various films and comics from the Green hornet. We had a great time looking around and Ben really enjoyed himself, learning that dear old Bruce was very philosophical and already well beyond his years.


After our trip to the museum we headed to out for a bite to eat! We snuck around the corner to a little restaurant we had come to hear about during our time at the museum, Bruce Lee’s favourite place to eat. It did not disappoint! We had also found out what his favourite dish was (the beef in oyster sauce) and order it ourselves! Scrumptious 🙂 We even managed to pop by Bruce’s favourite table, pretty cool!


After our visit here we continued to drive towards the east of the state as we now commence our drive back across the country, our last stop in this state will be Spokane.

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