After an amazingly scenic day yesterday we were looking forward to seeing what else Oregon has to offer, which as it’s turns out is a lot 🙂 We had an exciting trip planned to a place called Cannon Beach.

Cannon Beach is in the top north-west corner of Oregon, and after a three and a half hour drive we are here! The weather is great, warm but not boiling and it’s not to windy! We’ve come to have a stroll on the beach and to find a specific feature, a feature called: Haystack Rock. This rock is famous for its appearance in the Goonies films. We arrived and parked nearby noticing a massive truck that had been hugely raised, I commented to Ben by saying ‘cor that’s a massive truck’ only to realise the driver was still there, just hidden behind the mammoth thing, luckily he found this rather amusing and smiled at us.


After a short walk we approached the beach, where more fantastic views awaited us. The sea seemed to be spraying up just the right amount to create a mist around the huge rock in the distance, this only added to the effect and you could see why it was used in the closing scenes of the film (main pic).

We continued our stroll enjoying the fresh sea air and stretched our legs. As we wandered closer we noticed a rocky area, we went over to read the sign and found out that this particular spot was a preservation area for sea anemones and other sea life. We took our time to look around the rock pools and even managed to spot a fair amount of life! I was pleased not to be bumping into them or sticking a finger in one (Hawaii)! After an enjoyable time at the beach we popped into a shop for a naughty ice cream before getting back on the road, we made it across the state line and into Washington staying in a place called Longview.


Oregon has turned out to be a bit of a surprise, it’s definitely stunning and has been quite unexpected, we are really looking forward to the rest of our adventures and tonight we have some planning to do 

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