Feeling sad about our failed attempt at doing anything yesterday we headed on towards the golden gate park. Hoping that having a nice stroll in the fresh air might reaclimatise us to the new time zone, it’s been really tough to adjust back, even though it’s not that big of a difference. We think it didn’t help that we were a lot more active in Hawaii than we had initially planned on being and are in need of some rest.


Parking up at the park we went for a gentle still before finding ourselves by a nice lake, once here we decided to take a pedalo ride around the lake. Ben’s revenge after he and his dad had to pedal me and his mum around a lake in centre parks once, we’ve still never heard the end of it 😛

The ride around was so peaceful there was barely anyone here and I regretted letting Ben steer as he choose to take us under all the tree branches, but we had fun! Half way round we started to see turtles, which was really cool! They were all clamouring up the logs and rocks at the edges of the bank in order to sun bathe, very cute!


Carrying on round we gently peddled past a waterfall and loads more turtles, we were treated to a good few geese families swimming around with their babies! Once we had finished our journey it was time to go back to what seemed like madness on the roads compared to the serene time we’d just had.


Ben was really looking forward to driving over the golden gate bridge, which was our next stop, it certainly didn’t disappoint. On the other side we pulled into a viewing area, a place Ben and been before, to look back across at the city and see not only the bridge but the famous Alcatraz island. It was awesome!


After the great day we’ve had we decided to head in a south easterly direction which enabled us to take a scenic drive across Sausalito, eventually ending up in a small town called Jamestown where we had a tasty dinner that consisted of half a chicken before tucking up for the night. 


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