Arriving in San Francisco last night was quite something, it was spectacular to see the city lit up and we werd looking forward to what we could see in the daytime. After a very measily few hours sleep we woke in quite a rush to check out on time. Now that we are back on the main land we’ve suddenly lost three hours! After staying somewhere for so long, at this point the longest we’ve stayed anywhere it’s strange to get back into the daily pack and go routine.


We set out and drove into central San Francisco, trying to decide what we should do whilst here. Ben’s been here before and explored a lot of the city already, it’s a fine balance between experiencing things for myself and not repeating too much of what Ben’s already done, so he gets some new experiences.

The city roads here are very narrow and very hilly! They have a weird system of people parking on the street at a diagonal angle! God knows how they pull that off! We decided to go check in somewhere as parking costs here are ridiculous, and once checking in we have free parking and less stress later.


Our initial plan was to head towards the pier to catch the last boat of the day to Alcatraz. Although we had a map we were both so tired we ended up waking around in circles getting lost! Frustrated with our inability to think clearly we went back to the motel where I slept until late evening.

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