Waking in Ventura this morning Ben still wasn’t feeling 100% but at least a little better than yesterday, we’ve been hanging around the area and thinking about flying out to Hawaii from LAX, we’ve not really had the WiFi or the time we’d like to do the research we want, although we have now decided which of the islands would most likely be the suitable one for us, a small step in a number of decisions that need to be made. There’s a lot of pressure from ourselves in a way to get things right, as we can only do this once before coming back and moving through the remaining states.


We were still not ready to fly today so we headed out of the LA area, for fear of getting behind schedule, after all we can fly from anywhere on the west coast. We managed to complete the short drive from Ventura to Santa Barbara and what a drive it was! We didn’t stop but clearly saw the beach as we passed by, the sea was a spectacular blue colour, backed by mountains, it really was dreamy.


Long sandy beaches soon turned into rolling light green and yellow hills, it was so surreal the lush grass looked straight out of a painting. Out of the city, California is really beautiful.


We finished today’s journey in Oakland, we feel this is a good central point for any plans yet to come.


After a lateish arrival we tucked up for the night, Ben decided if we were going to go to Hawaii we should stop nervously beating around the bush and just book it, right here right now! So we did! With his energy and positivity pushing us along we booked Hawaii at around 11.30pm and we’ll be flying from Oakland airport early tomorrow morning, just like that! I guess we should head to bed!

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