Fifty States later and 22,838 miles driven we’ve completed what we set out to do, here we are at the end, the finish line. What a journey it has been for us adventures! 


On A Personal Level

It’s been said that this trip has been amazing, incredible, once in a lifetime but I would say it’s been much more than that. I would say it’s been life changing. I’ve learnt so much about myself and I’ve grown. As I sit here and write this with mixed emotions, glee at the thought of seeing our families and friends again but a tinge of sadness for what has been the best four months of my life. Yes, it’s had ups and downs, we’ve been tired, hungry, exhausted and fed up of making constant decisions but every single second is a moment we will cherish forever. We never dreamed for a second that we’d quit our jobs and travel but we are glad we’ve done it this way. Completing the target of visiting all fifty states has set us up well for our future plans and goals, and what a momentum we have behind us. Thank you to everyone that’s emailed, messaged, commented on the blog and stayed in touch offering words of support. Without the encouragement I’ve had with the blog who knows if I’d have been able to keep it up for the 129 days and have collected so many cherished memories to read back on.

As I said I’ve learnt a lot about myself and feel much happier and positive about life, I’ve had some difficult times in my past and this trip has managed to put some of those things away for me. I’ve found closure and freedom, I’ve also found the fun me again learning several wacky practical skills along the way, such as: photography at 70mph, how to cook socks in the car, how to successfully feed Ben popcorn whilst he’s driving and how to make a meal out of nothing. In addition our skills for on the fly planning and problem solving have increased significantly, we are no longer surprised if things don’t go to plan we just keep calm and carry on.

Ben is more widely travelled than me and so has on many occasions experienced the change a trip can bring to oneself. He has learnt much also, for example how strong his dedication and determination can be and gained further clarification that he is indeed doing the right thing for his future, by going back to university to complete a second Masters Degree (brain box!). He never expected he would be able to brake from routine like he has or that he would get on well even after leaving his creature comforts behind, coping with minimal items on the road. Most importantly he has learned that sometimes in life you’ve just got to take a leap and do something for yourself. 

I am incredibly proud of this calm and caring man, he’s gained the achievement of being able to say he has driven in all fifty states, alongside his achievement of even just visiting them. I know we’ve both found it a great challenge to learn to be productive despite tiredness, something Ben’s excelled in. We may arrive late at night after a six hour drive, lug bag’s up three flights of stairs, cook, and then turn on the computer to work, blog and plan for the next day, all before getting up and doing it all over again. It’s been physically tough and required patience, endurance, stamina and a smile. It puts life into context, reminds you to have fun at every opportunity and take in everything you can, whilst you can. who knows where life could take you!

I would really encourage anyone thinking of doing something like this to follow through with it, to go for it! Practical problems, such as getting a new job after, can always be overcome but an opportunity of this kind is so massive and good for expanding the soul in ways you don’t imagine, you will not regret it. 


Fifty Incredible States

Besides our personal growth we’ve learnt a lot from each of the states and the general attitude of America. At many points we were humbled by the locals unburdened kindness and often cheered up by the refreshing positivity. Combined with the unitedness of everyone, the states sure has made us feel welcome even though we feel like small people in a giant world. Alongside the positivity, the other main word I would use to describe Americans is proud. It’s really stood out to us during our time here is how proud every single person is. Be it of their property, state or job, no matter what that is. Here they are proud just to stand and open doors for customers and perform trivial tasks to the best of their ability. It’s quite simply wonderful, and a far cry from the grumpy British attitude we are all known to posses at times.

The culture has such a can-do attitude backed by the various stunning sceneries, the endless roads and incredible weather, all of which sure has put the miles on our hearts. We’ve had such an incredible time and this place feels so comfortable, and maybe we’ll never really feel completely at home again. We know that part of our hearts will always be here on this trip, and that maybe that’s just the price to pay for the richness and love of the travel that we’ve come to know.

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