Waking to our gorgeous mountain views we knew we could make it to the elusive Moab today. We headed out and had a nice breakfast at a local cafe before hitting the road for the days mileage. Leaving Monticello we passed through the colder snow topped mountainous terrain which then started to evolve into the gorgeous red rock once again, it’s a stark and incredible change to see the two different landscapes side-by-side.  

The changing landscape
The changing landscape

Winding up and down the various elevations, it’s truly a spectacular drive with much to see, so much so that I have so many pictures of today’s journey it’s hard to pick the best representations of each terrain. As mentioned we are on our way to Moab, and excited to visit another national park. Today’s target is Arches, we’ve seen a number of television adverts regarding this and the other four national parks in Utah. They look absolutely stunning and we cannot wait to see it with our own eyes. 


After roughly an hours drive we reached the park it was surrounded by large rock structures and we drive up the steep hill to the entrance. We drove around pretty much all of the park stopping at the various viewing points, it’s almost too much for the eyes to take in with the rock formations.



During our visit we were lucky enough to go for a little hike! It was good to stretch our legs and as with all the scenery here,  we were more than rewarded for our efforts. This hike was mainly uphill and had many steps it’s was quite something to be shuffling through the bright red sandy dirt. There was a huge amount of really light green rock and sand, which looked an almost luminescent teal colour.

The hiking trail

We made it to the top where we sat for a while, it was another of those nice still moments.


From up here we could also see the spectacular arches.



Heading on from the arches Park was also quite a drive, at this point we had no idea where we would end up today and decided to drive until we were tired. We eventually ended up in a town called Cedar City some 343 miles later.




It was late and rainy when we headed into a Sizzlers for some dinner. We had been looking forward to visiting this old chain, and we were not disappointed. In a random pick I ordered crab, and well…. They literally brought me a large and whole crab! I was a bit gobsmacked and required Ben’s assistance to tackle the shelled but delicious feast.

Luminescent fields


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