Finally ready to head on out of New Mexico, we can say it has been an interesting state. Generally warm with a mix of Texan and Arizonan landscapes and an obvious emphasis on the Mexican culture. Today our initial intention was to reach a place called Mesa Verde in the very South western corner of Colorado. I really wanted to visit this little village where ancient people built their homes in the side of steep rocks, but due to Colorados snowier climate and the fact that there is a lot of climbing involved the park does not open until mid April.

It’s a real shame to have to miss out on something I so that desperately wanted to see, but we cannot delay our schedule for this one thing. Adjusting our plan we headed to what would have been our next destination, hoping to reach the city of Moab in Utah, we set out our journey would take us through the same corner of Colorado that we originally planned to pass through. 

Driving through, we notice the red rock has now turned to a pale sandy colour, although we have only seen a small portion of Colorado, we can already see its going to be a stunning, mountainous area and look forward to popping back into the other side later on in the trip.


After the initial rocky start, Colorado really opens up and we start to notice a fair amount of colourful farm land. We continued through and into the south eastern end of Utah.  The land looks very similar to Colorado at the moment. Today’s drive so far has clocked up a massive 5 hours 55 minutes of driving, at this point we are hungry and tired and want to call it a day. We decided not to push it and make it to Moab, so we have made a slightly early stop in a small town called Monticello backed by superb mountain views. In closing, Happy Easter! We’ve got ourselves some chocolate loot to enjoy, can’t wait to tuck into these later!


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