If anyone is able to remove the reflection in the top left-hand corner of this picture I would be exceedingly pleased!

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Today we were feeling the scenic side of Arizona, although it seems like we’ve already seen so much, but with the dust storm gone for good (we hope) we are eager to get out and see some more of the state. As we are on a bit of a time limit here needing to get back to Albuquerque NM, we have planned ahead the next couple of days. It’s a tad weird having a schedule to adhere to, but let’s see how good our timing skills are!


Today’s task was to complete a scenic drive northwards that would put us in the perfect position for tomorrow’s activities. We are going to stay two nights, so that after the long and tiresome day we have planned tomorrow we can rest before heading back.

Before coming to the states I had used an online program to map out a rough route to help guide us efficiently. The website had some fantastic ideas for scenic routes all over the country, and this was one I particularly fancied seeing making everything come together perfectly.


It was incredible, the route was amazing! It saw us drive up from Phoenix to Flagstaff, via the famous scenic byway that takes you through the small town of Sedona. I thought the rocks were something yesterday, but today was unbelievable! It was completely picturesque and felt somewhat like we were in a painting, a very red/ pink/ salmon coloured painting. It was spectacular!


By far this was not the end of the wonders, the second half of the drive was impressive it its own right. We drove through the very red town of Sedona, taking in the various shops, this is a very tidy and smart area. Exiting the town led us up a very wind road up a mountain, Ben’s first chance to try the truck out in this scenario! He said it was a very enjoyable drive, as a passenger I was exceedingly comfortable. After reaching our destination in Flagstaff, we tucked up excited for tomorrow’s adventures.


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