Tucking down in bed last night neither of us could believe how silent and dark it was in the cabin! Definitely a far cry away from anywhere we’ve ever stayed before. We both had a mighty peaceful sleep! Little did we know we’d need it 🙂

Today was a bright sunny day perfect for a little activity at Trace state park. Ben had been hankering for a hike or bike ride and luckily this place had some great hikes to offer us.


We had a deck and a little porch area, so this morning we spent sometime sitting on the dock chatting about how fabulous life is right now and how we never really imagined how different our circumstances would be now. We followed this up by retreating to the porch, to shade from the sun, where I managed to get a good piece of writing done and Ben studied.

Lunch consisted of yesterday’s Mexican food which still tasted great! Now that we were past the heat of the day we packed up on set out for our hike. After walking along for a bit we came to the clearing that started with the steepest downhill slope I’ve ever seen! I mentioned that we should probably find a slightly easier way to get down, Ben responded with ‘well if you slip just run it off’ bless him! It made me chuckle and so we attempted the hill. We both managed to get down it and started along the woodland paths.


We had an incredible hike! And several times a bunch of deer ran across the path right in of us! It was unbelievable. They run across in a little group and then stand in the distance on the other side looking back at us. They watch us, it’s really weird! There was lots of uphill hiking and the route was beautiful.

Spot the deer!
Spot the deer!

Towards the end of our hike, we’d been gone a good 3-4 hours we saw our cabin across the dry river bed and decided to take a short cut back. This however did not turn out to work in our favour. There was a small stream and Ben decided he would jump over it, I could not stop laughing when he jumped and ended up knee deep in mud on the other side! He was plastered in it!

Foot prints on our trail
Foot prints on our trail

We walked up and down and Ben found a stable spot his side that matched up with one my side, which had a significantly smaller gap to get across so now it was my turn to pop over and join him. Ben encouraged me to jump and was stood arms outstretched ready to grab me on the other side. However after my little run up I seemingly failed to jump! And landed flat on my face the other side, now it was Ben’s turn to laugh!

Both covered in mud we continued our muddy trek back home. Glad to have made it back safely and feeling hungry we settled down for some dinner and TV before heading to bed.

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