After a very deep sleep to recover from yesterday’s mileage it was time to get back on the road. Checking out of our motel in Richmond, Virginia we headed off down towards our next state: North Carolina. I have always been slightly fascinated to see this state, since watching WWF wresting as a kid. One of my favourite wrestlers was from North Carolina and since then I’ve always wanted to see what it was like (yup, that probably sounds silly coming from an adult, but I don’t care 😛 ).

The open road!
The open road!

Eager to reach North Carolina and filled with curiosity, our journey led us just inside the state before checking in early to rest up. We had already decided to do a smaller step and take it easy with the travelling today. The constant packing, hand washing of clothes and lugging of suitcases from one hotel into the car and then into another hotel seems to take its toll. With me already under the weather, feeling like I want to curl up and hibernate like a bear! We hoped that Ben would not catch it. We are rarely in one place for more than a night, which whilst adventurous, can be quite demanding especially with the harsh weather at the moment.

North Carolina Flora
North Carolina Flora

Our smaller step came in the form of a 122 mile drive down a very sparkly highway (not sure what they mixed the tarmac with but ohhh it’s pretty!). The drive was impressive yet again, I really can’t believe all the things we’ve seen in just 7 States and I just can’t comprehend what more is to come. This is without a doubt the trip of a lifetime and I could never imagine ‘being on the road’ like this or calling home wherever you end up laying your head that night..

Despite the early stop and not having anything particularly fascinating to tell you, our progress thus far has been rather speedy, not to mention busy! We hit over the 1000 miles driven mark, well on target for the estimated 15k total.

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